Finding Greater Well-being
Homeopathy & Naturopathy
🌿 “It is not only the body that is ill, but the whole person as a unity of body, spirit and soul.”
Let’s talk – book a 15min free call
To find out more on how homeopathy can support you and how we can work together.
I work in English, French and German.
Claudia Tangorra, DHom, ND
Homeopath, Naturopath and Holistic Practitioner
From Aalen, Germany to Montreal, Canada
Many moons ago Homeopathy found me and changed my life!
I was born in 1966 in Aalen, Germany and since my 20s I have been fascinated by the powerful gentleness of the homeopathic remedies. This was reinforced when I had my first child.
When I was breastfeeding my baby, I was stung by a wasp and had an immediate allergic reaction with heavy swelling of my leg. I was given the option between a strong anti-allergy medication and the homeopathic remedy “Apis” that had no side-effects. The homeopathic treatment was the only one that allowed me to continue breastfeeding my baby and it worked brilliantly. The swelling ceased and I did not have to stop nursing my baby.
This experience sparked my great love for this truly gentle holistic system of medicine!
Since 2005 I have been living in Montréal and I always thought: “in my second life, I will become a homeopath”, but life circumstances invited me to study at MICH (Montreal Institute of Classical Homeopathy) and to become a homeopath, naturopath and holistic practitioner sooner.
Let me help you to bring balance into your wellbeing!

what is
A holistic and natural approach to promote well-being.
Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine. Homeopathic remedies are derived from nature, are non-toxic, do not interact with other medications and are free of side-effects. Everyone and anyone can use them (from babies to seniors).
In Homeopathy we strive to understand the underlying core of the dis-ease which is at the roots of all symptoms and resulting pathology.
The gentle way is the goal.
alternative holistic medicine
It has been in use for over 200 years.
Founded by
It originated in Germany and was founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) who spent his entire life experimenting, developing and proving homeopathic remedies using the principles of similars “like cures like”.
This means, in practice, that a medicine capable of producing certain effects when taken by a healthy human being is capable of curing any illness that displays similar effects.
Restoring Health on all Levels
Homeopathy understands the person as a whole and restores health on all levels: emotional, mental and physical. Hahnemann said that disease occurs in the deepest levels and they have to be all addressed.
How I Work
The focus of my approach is the individuality and the unique “melody” that lives in each of us, which may be out of tune. The symptoms which are the language of this melody draw attention to what is wrong. This might point to the interrupted flow of love in relationships and families, consequences of trauma and shock, difficult situations, strain and stress, toxic influences, unpleasant diet or lifestyle. During the consultation I listen to this language and recommend an individual approach and individual homeopathic medicine that work together dynamically with the intention of creating the conditions for a new balance and wellbeing.
You come to what you already have within you, because real changes can only be made by yourself.
The Process:
A homeopathic treatment can take different lengths of time. In the case of an acute event, the effect of the drug becomes apparent very quickly.
Chronic cases usually require support over a certain period of time. You are going through a healing process. Follow-up appointments enable us to discuss your well-being and the effect of the remedy. This process takes time. I accompany you on your healing journey.
The initial homeopathic consultation is longer than a normal visit to a doctor and takes 1.5 hours. The focus lies on unique symptoms of your illness rather than the common symptons of the disease – the symptoms that everyone with that disease would experience, which is what conventional doctors usually focus on. Your personal character, your attitude to life, the way you deal with your problems and react to events play an important role in the choice of the homeopathic remedy.
I hope that by the end of our time together you will have the feeling that you understand yourself and your body better and that you have integrated alternative behaviours into your life.
I am dedicated to helping you to bring balance into your wellbeing!
The gentle way is the goal!
Initial consultation –
Comprehensive conversation where we explore your current concerns,health history, and lifestyle to help me understand your unique situation.
Follow up –
See how you have responded to your remedy and any questions you may have.
Bach flower consultation –
Restoring equilibrium and joy in the body through flower essences.
BACH Flower Essences
Schuessler Cell Salts
I work with people of all ages and with any health challenges.
Areas of Holistic Facilitation:
- ADHD - attention deficit disorder
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Arrested development in children
- Autoimmune disease
- Chronic fatigue
- Chronic pain
- Colds and flus
- Depression, mood disorder
- Digestive issues
- Focus, concentration
- Headaches, migraines
- Injuries
- Insomnia
- Menopause
- Post-op support
- Pregnancy and birth
- Stress, burn-out
- Trauma, loss, grief
MICH – Montreal Institute of Classical Homeopathy
SPHQ – Syndicat Professionnel des Homéopathes du Quebec
NAN – National Association of Naturopaths
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